
The power of video: supercharge your marketing strategy

Video Marketing

A picture is worth a thousand words, so how many more words could a video be worth?

Video as a marketing medium is a powerful tool.

So, how can you use video to boost your marketing strategy?

In this post we will talk about psychology of videos in marketing. This includes why they are so effective at increasing sales.

The psychology behind videos

There are many reasons why video is such a powerful marketing tool, but they all lead back to one thing: human psychology.

Human beings are wired to connect with each other.

Face-to-face connection is the most compelling and effective, but it's not always possible. The closest thing to it is video.

Video allows viewers to connect with the brand on a personal level. They see the human being behind the brand. This, combined with the stimulation of the senses, is the perfect storm to stir emotions and build connections that last.

Videos engage

Platforms like YouTube and TikTok focus exclusively on video, while platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are increasingly optimizing the usability of video content.

Why? Why videos drive engagement.

According to Twitter, tweets with videos generate 10 times greater engagement compared to tweets without video. The same can be said for Instagram And Facebook.

In addition to comments and likes, videos are also more likely to be shared.

According to a survey, people are twice as likely to share video content with their friends than any other type of content.

And they create trust

A big 81% of consumers globally stated that brand trust is a significant driving factor in their purchasing decision.

So, how do you build brand trust among your target audience?

There are the more classic marketing methods, such as customer testimonials and collaboration with reliable brands. Then there's the video.

Video is a unique medium that allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

With video, you can show a personal and human side of your brand.

It opens the doors to authenticity that the 86% consumer claims is a key factor when making a purchasing decision.

Frequent questions

Have more questions about the power of video? Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions on the topic.

What is the psychology behind videos?
The psychology behind videos is simple: human connection. Videos allow you to elicit emotions from your audience, which creates connection and increases brand trust.

Can videos help increase my conversion rates?
It is known that videos, whether shared on a social media platform or added to a landing page, can increase conversion rates and increase sales.

Why do videos work so well?
The biggest factors behind video's success as a marketing tool are that it builds trust and promotes engagement with your target audience.

Where should I start with video marketing?
If I were to outline three steps for those getting started with video marketing, I would say know your audience, choose your platforms, and start posting frequently. You can adapt your content and strategy as you gather more analytics about your viewers.


Video is a powerful marketing tool for brands of all types and sizes.

Regardless of your target audience or your product/service, video psychology can be used to create meaningful connections. This lends itself to increasing brand trust and customer engagement which, as a byproduct, increases sales.

Find out how we can help you take your video marketing strategy to the next level.

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